Hawthorne Seminar Foundation

3rd, 4th, 5th Grade Education For High-Gate and Seminar Students in San Diego

3rd, 4th, 5th Grade Education For High-Gate and Seminar Students in San Diego

Why the Need for a Seminar Program?

Highly gifted children need to learn at a much faster pace and can process material at a greater depth.  They often exhibit intense curiosity, imagination, intellectual capacity, sensitivity, and emotion beyond what is typical in the general population.  In order to thrive, they need a unique, homogeneous learning environment that challenges their strengths without limits while supporting their needs, which can include perfectionistic tendencies, underachievement, a highly sensitive nature, extreme empathy and compassion, a heightened sense of justice, and acute emotions. These students may also demonstrate a high interest in one area, display asynchronous development, or have learning difficulties (identified as “twice exceptional”). They need a like-minded peer group, challenging material delivered at a faster rate, and teachers who understand and respect their intellectual and personal needs.

The teachers and administration at Hawthorne are dedicated to providing highly gifted children with the environment and resources they need to thrive.  We strongly encourage parents of Seminar-identified children to seek placement in a Seminar class.

Visit the Classroom

The best way to learn about the Hawthorne Seminar program and how it can benefit your family is to visit the classrooms.  Contact the teachers to find out about upcoming tours or to schedule a classroom visit.

You can also click here to be added to our email distribution list for prospective students.  We will keep you informed of open houses, upcoming deadlines for those interested in moving their students to Hawthorne, and events you and your child might enjoy attending (e.g., HSF chorus concerts and theatrical performances)

Enrollment Procedures

The procedure for enrolling a student in the Hawthorne Seminar program depends on where the student lives and his/her GATE status.  Students who live within the enrollment boundaries for the Madison High cluster, Clairemont High cluster, or certain parts of the Kearny cluster AND are Seminar identified can enroll using Seminar Intent to Enroll.   All other students in the San Diego Unified School District (SDUSD) must complete a School Choice application.  Students from other school districts must apply for an Interdistrict Attendance Permit.  Scroll down for details on each procedure.

Please note:

  • District policies regarding Seminar enrollment change frequently.  Though every attempt is made to keep the information below up to date, parents are strongly encouraged to contact the Hawthorne Seminar teachers or Hawthorne principal regarding enrollment.
  • Priority for enrollment is given to Seminar-identified students.  High GATE students will be admitted to the program at the discretion of the principal and teachers as space is available.

Seminar Intent to Enroll

Students who are Seminar-identified and for whom Hawthorne Seminar is the geographically closest Seminar program can enroll using the Seminar Intent to Enroll form. This includes all schools in the Madison and Clairemont High School clusters, as well as Angier, Chesteron, Juarez, Wegeforth, Ross, Linda Vista, and Longfellow Elementary schools. Both the current form and instructions for completing it are available from the SDUSD website.

Seminar Intent to Enroll forms must be submitted by the last school day of the previous school year in order for students to be guaranteed a place in the Seminar program.  The form can be used to join the program at any point during the school year if there is space available.

School Choice

Seminar-identified students living outside of the Hawthorne Seminar program’s enrollment area and all high-GATE students who do not already attend Hawthorne Elementary must complete a Choice application in order to change their enrollment to Hawthorne.

  • Completing a Choice application DOES NOT COMMIT YOU to moving your child to Hawthorne.  If you think you might want to move your child, complete an application.  You can always change your mind later.
  • The Choice system works by lottery.  In recent years, between 50% and 75% of applicants receive an offer of enrollment at Hawthorne Elementary.
  • The Choice application deadline is typically 10 months before the start of a school year!  For the 2019-2020 school year the Choice Application deadline is November 13, 2018.

Visit the SDUSD Enrollment Options website to complete a School Choice Application and learn more about the School Choice process.


Interdistrict Attendance Permit

Students from other school districts who would like to attend the Hawthorne Seminar program must complete both a School Choice application and an Interdistrict Attendance Permit application. The application and additional information can be found at SDUSD’s Interdistrict Attendance Permit webpage.